Popular wisdom prescribes packing tools to fix your bike on the trail... and rudimentary first aid to fix yourself. The Void R1 provides the essentials in a compact ziplock plastic bag. Bulky bits are vacuum packed and there's a quick guide with basic first aid procedures. Be careful, but not too careful out there.
- Compact first aid kit - perfect for one person.
- 15 x Bob Geldofs (Band-aids).
- 3 x wound closure strips.
- 2 x non-stick dressings.
- 1 x conforming bandage.
- 1 x strapping tape.
- Safety pins, needles and fasteners.
- 1 pair of gloves.
- 4 x cleansing wipes.
- 1 x quick first aid guide.
- 1 x survival blanket.
- 1 x whistle.
- 1 x triangular bandage.
- Dimensions: 15cm x 10cm
- Weight: 168 grams.
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